XG14 G812X DMSS 2.4GHz 14channel Transmitter, 8ch Receiver (Xbus compatible receiver) Set

Key Features
Large, backlit screen
30-model internal memory
Airplane, helicopter and glider program options
Premium Grade gimbals withCNCmachined aluminum bases
True, non shared 14 Channel access
SD card slot for data sharing, storage and updates (SD card required)
Li-Fe 6.4V, 1400mAh 2S transmitter battery pack
Integrated charging circuit
9V AC/DC adapter supplied with automatic shutdown
Lightweight (820 g) transmitter design
Easily adapts to stick modes 1–4
Data entry via scroll bar and four push-button keys
Telemetry with receiver voltage sensor built in
Optional telemetry sensors available
Stick tension and spring adjustment
Dual trim options
Dual side slide-lever controls
Touch Select System for switch selection
New soft switch covers for improved feel and control
User-selected menu for frequently used functions
8-channel failsafe
User-assigned switch function
Programmable throttle cut
Two independent programmable timers
True 14 channels
While other large channel systems only offer 10 or less “non-shared” channels and achieve the additional channels through “sharing” (splitting update rates between channels to expand) or expansion, JR’s XG14 is a true “non-shared”, full 14 channel system.
In addition, thanks to JR’s creative programming and DMSS sophistication, the XG14’s 14 channels can be accessed through the use of 2 JR RG731BX X Buss receivers, creating not only true 14 channel access, but a redundant airborne system as well.
JR’s Finest Gimbals Ever
Based on our Premium Gimbals found only in the Flagship 12X Professional systems, our new CNC Machined Premium Aluminum Gimbal Base provides the ultimate in precision feel, with no flexing during quick and full stick extremes as found with standard plastic gimbals. JR’s new Premium Gimbals with CNC Base will truly have you “feeling the difference”.
JR’s New X Bus Digital Serial Data System
The New XG14 is also JR’s first system to offer the new JR X Bus digital serial data communication technology. When purchased with the new JR RG731BX X Bus Receiver, the XG14 is capable of connection of up to 4 servos per channel via the X Bus serial connector. When using the XG14 X Bus feature, this allows for connection of up to 56 Servos (4 x 14ch) via special JR X Bus servo harness (available separately). For connection of conventional (non X Bus) servos, a special conventional servo harness converter is also available.
JR World Championship Winning Dual Modulation DMSS for the ultimate 2.4 RF Link
JR’s exclusive DMSS (Dual Modulation Spectrum System) 2.4GHz RF protocol offers a secure and reliable RF link that combines DSSS and FHSS capabilities into a wideband transmission system. This DMSS exclusive combination results in not only high-speed response, but also high resistance to RF Interference for unmatched reliability.
JR’s DMSS 2.4 also features a patented JR “Intelligent Output System” (IOS), which automatically selects control signals/channel priority for channels that need to be transmitted at exactly the same time, and delivers this data as one complete signal frame. JR’s unique IOS ensures there is no time delay/latency for channels used for control surfaces such as a CCPM swashplate on a helicopter, or multiple servo control surface setups in large aircraft.
Another exclusive JR DMSS feature is its dual stream, bi-directional Telemetry communication system.
JR DMSS transmits all Telemetry information through a separate RF stream, rather than through the primary channel stream so as not to reduce or share update rates with critical control channels as is common practice with most all 2.4GHz protocols.
Receiver voltage telemetry is built in as standard in every DMSS receiver, and add-on sensors will give you real time feedback of information from your model, such as the RPM of an aircraft propeller or helicopter rotor blades, temperature and altimeter readings.
Other Standard XG14 Features
The all-new XG14 radio system provides the ability to control popular model types within the Airplane, Helicopter or Glider categories, all from the same transmitter. Special switch labels are provided for each of the 3 categories of models so the pilot can customize the switch labeling for their main model type so these switches are easily identifiable at a glance
Programming is “JR Easy” thanks to the well-proven, intuitive user interface with data entered using the JR trademark vertical roll selector to the right of the screen, as well as the four push-button entry keys to the left of the screen. Programming information is clear and concise thanks to the XG14’s large, graphical back lit LCD display screen.
No matter what kind of airplane, helicopter or glider you fly, the XG14 will truly have you “feeling the difference” like only a genuine JR system can!
Band: |
2.4GHz |
Computer Radio: |
Yes |
Model Type: |
Airplane/Helicopter/Sailplane |
Number of Channels: |
14 |
Range: |
Full |
Telemetry: |
Yes |
JR RG812X DMSS 2.4GHz 8ch Receiver with XBus (Antenna Diversity Model)
XBus compatible Diversity 8channel DMSS receiver w/ Hybrid output port available
Selectable Xbus/PWM port output on AUX3
Easy BIND system (No binding plug is needed)
Dimensions : 14.5 x 25.5 x 47.5mm
Weight : 15g
Receiving System : 8 channel DMSS System with XBus
Operating Voltage : 4.5-8.5V
Bidirectional communication : Xbus compatible
Telemetry Module integrated
Antenna Diversity Model
Capabel to adopt one additonal remote antenna as an option.
Fullrange receiver
Full range telemetry capability.
Package Content (XG14):
Radio : NET-Q1114G
Receivers : RG812BX
Power source : 2F1400 (Li-Fe)
AC/DC adaptor : NEC-A912C
Bind Pulg
Throttle rachet spring