ESKY Professional Head Lock Gyro
Head locking the helicopters to provide stable and sensitive flight.
Input signal:1.5±0.5ms
Input power:5VDC
Size: 22 x 22 x 12.4mm
Feature Illumination:
can be used on Engine and Electric Helicopters
dual sensibility adjusting - nose locked model and standard model;
suitable for 4ch and 6ch transmitter;
with a built-in temperature equalizing electrocircuit;
to both 6CH and 4CH transmitters, the gain value can be adjusted through crust
different from the EK2-0704, the EK2-0704A headlock gyro must be installed vertically (as show on the photo / video)
the headlock gyro (3pins) cable should connect to the channel 4 on the receiver
the tail servo should connect to the headlock gyro
you can choose not to connect the single orange cable to channel 5 on the receiver. if the gain of the headlock gyro > 50, it is in the headlocking mode. If gain < 50, it will be in the normal mode
please tie up all the cables before fly, this is to prevent loose cables to touch the main gear or motor
the photo shows only an example on how to mount the headlock gyro, you may choose to mount it on the main body of the helicopter.