This is an official alexmos 3 axis brushless gimbal controller. This board comes ready to use with the firmware pre-loaded (can be upgraded via GUI). The main board, 3rd axis extension board, and MPU6050 IMU board are all included, along with connection cables.
The SimpleBGC firmware allows you to have a high quality stabilisation system that uses brushless direct drive motors, resulting in super smooth video. The 3rd axis extension board allows you to also control yaw for the ultimate stabilisation, but if you don’t want or need the 3rd axis you can always disconnect it and use the main board as a regular 2 axis gimbal controller.
Weight: 17g (including sensor and wire)
Main board size: 50 x 50mm
Power input: max 4S/ 16.8V (12V/ 3S is suggested)
Access to serial port, so a Bluetooth can also be hooked for easy tuning.
L6234 Motor drivers
Atmega 328P with Alexmos Bootloader preinstalled

The alexmos brushless gimbal that we sell usually comes with the latest firwmare installed, however you may want to check the link below if there is any newer firmware to install yourself. In order to get the configuration software GUI to work properly you will need to install the drivers for the board.
- this product requires DIY soldering and wiring as well as software confirguration. Not for beginner.